Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Day on the Farm

Hi Everyone~!
Today, Patty and her kindergarten class (along with four other kindergarten classes at her school and three other schools besides ours) went to visit a farm~ it was a stinky, dusty, fun adventure! I took the day off to attend this fabulous field trip. There were turkeys a gobblin, big and beautiful with mauvy-purple and bright bubblegum pink faces, feathers patterned with copper and black stripes! I never realized how gorgeous (and delicious) these animals are. Patty asked if these were the same turkeys we ate on Thanksgiving. I told her reluctantly yes, and she thought about it a long time and finally uttered, "Ewww." I may have a vegetarian on my hands as a result.

We saw goats leaping over fences, running wild! The next time you can't sleep, maybe count some goats. Of course there were lots o horses complete with an amazingly putrid stench and flies a buzzin' everywhere! The aroma in this animal area was sending the adults into hard core nausea attacks. The "petting zoo" area, where the kids could hold a tween size chick, not the cute, fuzzy, bright yellow ones, but a more skinny, unfluffy, brownish questionable disease-carrying chick type were passed amongst our kids' previously clean hands. Much to my delight, Patty did not want a thing to do with holding the tween chick. Yea!

The kids found their way through a towering corn maze that was fun, except I kept thinking of The Shining, where Jack Nicholson is chasing Shelley Duvall through a maze at night~ RED-RUM! RED RUM! Oy! The nightmares I had from that unbelievable movie~

The little farmers picked enormous zucchini, cucumber, pumpkins and teensy beensy radishes. It was a wonderful harvest feeling day, even though it was 94 degrees out and we were all sweltering in the still intense heat. The kids didn't even notice. It made me think that the novelty of a farm is something that only lasts a short time when kids are small and open to adventure and new things. Seeing the wonder through their eyes made it all worth the dusty, sweaty, horse crap smelling day!


Anonymous said...

Fun! I love farms!!! Reminds me of home.

Sus said...

nothing like kids on a farm. too bad they didn't let you milk cows. :)